Edited on Tue Dec-16-08 02:10 PM by blondeatlast
I'm dying inside; even if all you can give me is positive vibrations, thoughts, prayers, spells, whatever, I am soooo grateful.
He's spent the last month in Prague, Cz. R, on business. He returned last Thursday and I could sense something was different. I was so happy to see him I could barely restrain myself at the airport. That night, he couldn't deal with sex; we tried, he couldn't. We have never had problems in that department before, fwiw.
Last night he told me. He has to go to Prague soon again in order to finish a project; his employer is arranging for me and my son to join him; we will be there a few years at least.
He says he still loves me and I believe he does--but he can't stop thinking about her. I still love him--I never missed him on his frequent trips until this one and it was awful.
Then to get this bomb in my lap.
I still love him so much and was so looking forward to joining him in Prague; we'd been comparing residences and schools for my son and after initially being upset about the move have become very excited about it.
Ccan someone at least help me cope with the doubt? I believe we can get together (we've weathered a similar storm and came back even better for it, that was a long time ago, too).
I've been telling my friends about the Prague move--now it may not happen and it's humiliating to think of having to explain why. We've always been the couple everyone admired; married 13 years in April, started out as good friends several years before that.
I'm hurting so badly and I can't put up my game face; I've been trying.