I found this group about two weeks ago, and I am one of you now.
My DH of 27 years asked me for a divorce after a vacation in MX, the night we got home, on Sept. 13.
He doesn't love me anymore. His dad didn't love his mom anymore either, after 39 years. :eyes:
We worked out the financial particulars, and I willingly left TX. I'm now in Savannah, GA, in a 2-bdrm apartment, alone but with my stuff pretty much all set up, and it's not so bad. My computer is in the living room, and I can do what I want without having to deal with him.
I didn't want this, but if I can find a decent job, I will be okay. As for dating, after 27 years, :scared:. I'm a cancer survivor and have had a mastectomy. And how do you ask anyone to take a test? I don't even know anyone yet, but the neighborhood cop is very cute (but very married). I had stopped looking years ago, but that look again gene has kicked in.
Now that's laying it all out!
On the plus side, I lost 20# and am now a size 14, and cut my hair off. It's still somewhat gray by choice, but maybe I'll dye it? Only for a job: I like it, but need all the help I can get.
I might be crying on here before long, but I really don't think so. I haven't mourned too much, though I know NY Eve will hurt, as will Valentines Day; our anniversary is on 13 Feb.
Divorce will be final in May; he's 'giving me an opportunity to find a job while I have health care' which I lose when we divorce. Ain't he swell?!