a couple times when things looked like shit. but i posted something in another forum that a little bird told me i should post for you.
a thought about self as individual and self as member of some group or another, even a group of 2. one of the most interesting books i have read about the human condition is-
love's executioner. it is one of those case study type things, and the title refers to the trouble with love obsession. the author talks about hating to deal with this particular problem because of the paradox that it presents- the role of the therapist is to make the person whole within themselves, and yet, we are a social animal. are we really whole without connection to others? it is an interesting conundrum. i think that you should not kick yourself for your past need to be a part of this relationship, or for the struggle that you have been through to get past it. it is really a central struggle that we all go through.
hope that you are ok financially, including housing, health care, and all that goes with a marriage. are there kids? 16 years is a really long time. you are probably kicking yourself. stop. pair bonding is at the heart of the human animal, and most of us try to accomplish this, even tho so many of us are not really up to it. whether we are talking about his failings or whatever you think you might have failed at, we are stupid little animals, trying to do something that takes a lot of many kinds of smart.
keep trudging along, one foot in front of the other. eventually you will be somewhere different from the hell you are in now. a little self love will help point you to somewhere that is actually better.