My ex is a possible sociopath and definitely at least a narcissist! He has been dragging things on for what seems like forever. I, too, was on depression meds for YEARS and when I finally went off them, I realized it wasn't me, it was him. That is exactly why doctors shouldn't presribe anti-depressants without making you attend therapy first. Had I gone for therapy I would have realized that I was brought up by controlling, narcissistic parents and that was why I didn't see the red flags when I met my ex and the reason I put up with the emotional abuse for years was because I was USED to it and thought it was okay, even normal. Instead, I was doped up enough that I didn't really feel bad about the emotional abuse at all. My reaction to everything was 'meh'. Boy, did I ever have a time of it when I went off those awful pills. Been off them for nearly 2 years now. Never should have been on them in the first place. I wasn't depressed, I was abused.