General discussion at of you will remember from the 108th Congress that this iss the amendment that was heading for victory when the Speaker kept the vote open >20 longer than the rule allowed while members were strongarmed by the rethug leadership to change their votes.
Bernie rocks :yourock:
Received by email.
Rep. Bernie Sanders announced at a press conference this week that he would be reintroducing the "Freedom to Read Protection Act." Bernie's legislation would exempt libraries and booksellers from provisions of the USA Patriot Act that allow the federal government to access library or bookstore records without having to get a traditional search warrant. Bernie and other congressional sponsors of the bill believe that the legislation is needed to protect Americans' constitutionally guaranteed right to read and access information without governmental intrusion or monitoring.
Not only is Bernie concerned with the USA Patriot Act, but he's also very worried about the erosion of our Constitutional rights. Recently we have seen well-known reporters threatened with jail for refusing to give up their sources. We have award winning films, like Saving Private Ryan, kept off from 66 ABC affiliates because they feared government sanction. And there are members of Congress now who want to extend their indecency laws to cable TV and satellite radio. Thankfully, millions of Americans and a tri-partisan coalition in Congress are now standing up to defend our Constitution - one of the greatest documents in recorded history.
Bernie's statement from yesterday's press conference.