Here's the official voting record on the Amendment from Thursday morning: AMENDMENT PURPOSE:
To require the redeployment of United States Armed Forces from Iraq in order to further a political solution in Iraq, encourage the people of Iraq to provide for their own security, and achieve victory in the war on terror.
It was 86 NAY and 13 YEA.
I just sent off a letter to the thirteen.
«Title» «First_Name» «Middle_Initial»«Last_Name»
June 23, 2006
Re: U.S. Senate Roll Call Votes 109th Congress - 2nd Session On the
Amendment (Kerry Amdt. No. 4442 ) to S. 2766 (National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007
Dear «Title» «Last_Name»:
I am writing to express my sincere gratitude for your vote of “Yea” in support of the above-referenced amendment the “Kerry Amendment” (Amendment No. 4442) to S. 2766 (National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007). Thank you.
I believe you are under a great deal of pressure from the Democratic party, the Bush Administration, many of your constituents, and from the US armed forces, to vote in favor of indefinitely prolonging the occupation of Iraq. Thank you for showing the courage and the conscience to vote otherwise.
The Occupation of Iraq Is Not a “War”
The United States and her allies have occupied Iraq for over three years. For all of that time, except for about the first three to four weeks, the Iraqi army has not offered any organized resistance. Indeed, when Sadam Hussein was removed from power and the Iraqi army disbanded, President Bush formally announced that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended.”
The so-called “War on Terror” is a misnomer. Terrorists have preyed upon innocent people and their governments since before the Crusades, when the Assassins routinely struck their Islamic political opponents. Societies which strive to practice justice in all their affairs contain such terrorist attacks through skilled police work and a rigorously lawful criminal justice system, and by denying the terrorists any basis in popular support.
The Profit of the Few
As you know, the $518 billion S.2766 allocates for Defense will serve to liberally enrich certain corporations and their subcontractors in the “security” and “reconstruction” industries. Meanwhile the United States economy is hemorrhaging. Our economic “recovery” has been jobless, fueled by federal borrowing, defense spending, and low interest rates. Remaining indefinitely in Iraq will completely destroy our once prosperous society. While oil companies such as Exxon-Mobil rake in record profits, workers’ wages are stagnating.
Last week for the first time in my life, I paid $3.99 for a head of lettuce at a supermarket in Manhattan.
Rhetoric, Reason and Choice
We live one half way around the world from Iraq and Afghanistan. Our comprehension of the situation there is completely dependent upon the rhetoric of others, especially the news media and the Bush Administration. However, in spite of all the rhetoric our common sense tells us that unpopular imperial occupations have no successful historical precedents. Reason tells us that any adventure so catastrophic for our country and so beneficial to a few people and companies connected to the Administration must be taken out of their control.
Your vote for the Kerry Amendment represents a reasonable attempt by some elected representatives to retake control of our country’s destiny from the hands of those who have proven to be incapable of safeguarding it. Although the Amendment failed, every single vote in favor of that Amendment was a huge triumph for the American people, for the possibility of a future for our children, and for democracy.
Please continue to fight for the cause of reason and democracy. Please do not give up hope. Your willingness to stand up for what is right is greatly emboldening to your constituents, and to reasonable, honest people around the world.
With your continued leadership, and determination, we can take our country back.
God bless you,
I wish I could do more for them. However, now that the shit is hitting the fan so prematurely in the media and the">phony terrorists are being paraded across the front page next to the al-Gonzales photo op, and the American people are so obviously wise to the whole BushCo game and it's not going to work anymore, I sense a turning of the tide.
The two losing amendments are the winners. I just have to compose the letter to the eighty-six who voted against the Kerry amendment. Anybody have any suggestions?