He tries to worm out of having claimed there was no internal dissension over the wiretapping by claiming it was ANOTHER illegal program! Either that is a bold-faced lie and it really WAS the program we know about, or there IS another, completely unmonitored, secret program.
On Thom Hartman someone pointed out that this program, whatever it was, that had to be renewed every six months, was due to be renewed on March 11. What is six months from March 11?
Whatever this program is, if it exists, it is up for renewal every Sept 11 and March 11. So it probably was launched on Sept 11. Sept 11, 2001. Why would a secret program developed in response to 9/11 be launched on an exact anniversary? Which means the plans for it were already in place BEFORE Sept 11. Or it is just a coincidence - after all, a broken clock is right twice a day.
So has Gonzo committed out-and-out perjury that Jay Rockefeller is ready to testify to, or has he spilled the beans on some godawful Fascist scheme we didn't even know about?
What's it gonna be, Gonzo? Door #1? Or door #2?