Nihongo ga wakarimasu ka?
Kimi desu! Hajimemashite! Dozo Yoroshiku!
Watashi wa Sanfuranshisuko ni sunde imasu.Soshite Sanfuranshisuko de umaremashita. Watashi wa yombun no ichi kankokujin desu ka yombun no san nihonjin desu. (Not sure about these sentences. Talking about ancestry is tricky, because not a lot of Japanese are of mixed ancestry, and they don't talk about it in terms of percentages. How about Nikkei to Kankokukei no Amerikajin desu. "I am an American of Japanese and Korean ancestry.")Chichi (since "chichi" can only be your own father, the "watashi" is unnecessary) wa Osaka de umaremashita. Chichi wa Kansai ben to Eigo o hanashimasu. Haha wa 1/2 Kankokujin de, 1/2 nihonjin desu. Chichi wa Kankokugo o hanashimasen ga eigo o hanshimasu. Kyodai wa arimasen.(If you use "ga," it sounds as if you just realized that you don't have any brothers or sisters.) (Hima ga oosugimasu!!)Chichi wa haisha desu. Haha wa kangofu desu. Sugoi ne? Watashi wa gakusei desu. Watashi no tanjoobi wa ichi gatsu 21 nichi desu.
etto, ima ichinenkan Aisei Gakko de nihongo o benkyo shite imasu. Nihon to nihon no bunka wa totemo omoshiroi desu. Sore ni tanoshii desu. Yoku nihon no eiga to anime to dorama o mimasu. Sore kara Jpopu to Jrock to visuel kei o kikimasu. (Nihon no Ongaku o kiku no ga nani yori no tanoshimi desu.) Otsuka Ai to Kayo Aiko ga ichiban suki desu.
Watashi wa motto nihongo benkyo shitai desu. Nihongo ga jozu ni naritai desu. Honto desu! Sore kara Nihon ni ikitai desu. (Iroirona kuni ni itta koto ga arimasu (If you mean that you've been to a lot of countries).)
Jaa, dewa mata ne! Yoroshiku o=negai shimasu Kimi yori ---- Just as a general comment, you use "watashi wa" far too much. Remember that in Japanese you mention the subject of a sentence only the first time and you don't have to mention it again in subsequent sentences unless the subject changes.
Dewa, Nihongo no benkyoo de gambatte kudasai.