This is my science fiction language that evolved from English, Eridanian, that I have been working on: here is the Lord's Prayer translated into Eridanian:
Farr Vos enavn,"Our Father in heaven,"
nehm Vau tsi' ohlai,"Your name is holy."
Kengdm Vau tsgonkom,"Your kingdom shall come,"
'n wir Vau tsgonvaidon,"and Your will shall be done,"
ohnrt leux tsi' enavn."on earth as it is in heaven."
Yaugivos dehlai bra vos taudeh."Give us today our daily bread."
Yaufrgivos sens vos,"Forgive us of our sins,"
leux waifrgivem dohs au dehsen twos."as we forgive those who sin against us."
Yaudn'laidos idurahngdaung,"Lead us not into temptation,"
'n yausehvos fraivl."but deliver us from evil."
kos davnlai kengdm, pahwr, 'n glohrai dehr ahl Vau,"For the kingdom, power, and glory are Yours,"
noi 'n fravr. Ahmenn."now and forever. Amen."
A point of interest is that in Eridanian the old English possessive pronouns have disappeared, replaced by new genitive/possessive pronouns derived from constructions using the preposition "of". so "vau" comes from "of you" and "vos" comes from "of us".