My wife was at a shopping plaza, and the 2006 Taurus would not start. I opened the hood, pulled the caps off the battery cells, saw that they were low(but I've seen lower) poured bottled water into the battery cells, and the darn thing starts right up. So we figure the battery is on its way out. We go to the mechanic, who says that they load tested the bat and checked the charging system and no problem was found. Then, Mrs. OBD drove around, did some shopping, got home, and then went to start it again -- no start.
Mrs. OBD then said some unkind things about the mechanic that I really don't think I should repeat.
The odd thing is, if I drive, then park, and come back in 15 minutes, the car won't start. If I wait an hour, it starts right up.
When it won't start,it tries to crank, like a low bat. I don't (for example) get a complete no-crank, or any grinding/binding noise.
It's been hot here of late (upper 80s to mid 90s)
What do you think?
(also, if you have ten minutes, are bored, and don't mind sharing your views, please check out the thread referenced in my sig line).