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I'm X-posting this from the Lounge

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OmahaBlueDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-02-10 10:14 PM
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I'm X-posting this from the Lounge
My wife was at a shopping plaza, and the 2006 Taurus would not start. I opened the hood, pulled the caps off the battery cells, saw that they were low(but I've seen lower) poured bottled water into the battery cells, and the darn thing starts right up. So we figure the battery is on its way out. We go to the mechanic, who says that they load tested the bat and checked the charging system and no problem was found. Then, Mrs. OBD drove around, did some shopping, got home, and then went to start it again -- no start.

Mrs. OBD then said some unkind things about the mechanic that I really don't think I should repeat.

The odd thing is, if I drive, then park, and come back in 15 minutes, the car won't start. If I wait an hour, it starts right up.

When it won't start,it tries to crank, like a low bat. I don't (for example) get a complete no-crank, or any grinding/binding noise.

It's been hot here of late (upper 80s to mid 90s)

What do you think?

(also, if you have ten minutes, are bored, and don't mind sharing your views, please check out the thread referenced in my sig line).
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Gold Metal Flake Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Aug-03-10 12:31 PM
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1. #1 Dirty battery clamps.
Remove the cable clamps, clean and reinstall.

#2 Loose bolts/nuts at other ends of the cables. Negative cable will go to the engine block. Check that the bolt it tight. Positive end will go to the starter. Check that the nut is snug (but be careful as the stud is not steel but softer copper or brass).

#3 Faulty starter solenoid. Replace it if #s 1 & 2 do not remedy the sitch.

#4 Faulty ignition switch.

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NNN0LHI Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Aug-08-10 01:55 PM
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2. Where you live I probably wouldn't try and push that battery past fall if it makes it
My wife has a 2004 Taurus and I am going to have a new battery put into it this fall. Never had a problem with starting but I am not going to push it. If it fails to start some cold snowy night in a parking lot somewhere and she needs to call for service it will be at least a hundred buck charge anyway. So we are just going to bite the bullet and have a new battery installed before it gets cold.

When/if you have it done ask the mechanic to give your battery cables and lugs a good look over to check for any other problems.

Don't think pouring that non-distilled bottled water into it did it much good either.

Good luck.

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OmahaBlueDog Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Aug-16-10 02:30 PM
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3. ...and the winner is

The Taurus is getting a new starter put in by my local mechanic because a) I don't have a lift or ramps and b) because I don't have a whole lot of spare time.

I should get it back today!
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