I have a secondary vehicle that became a temporary primary vehicle. It's a 1991 Chevy Blazer 4.3L TBI. Here's what's happening:
Vehicle sat idle in a garage for a couple of months. When I started driving it around town it stalled randomly during deceleration (and sometimes also when putting it in reverse). The computer did not give a trouble code.
I changed the fuel filter and the fuel lines, they were corroded as hell and the return line developed a hole after I dropped the tank and replaced the fuel pump. (I also cleaned the idle air control valve, the fuel injectors, and checked the EGR while diagnosing the problem). It's still stalling (sometimes I need to let it sit a while before it will restart), and now I'm getting a trouble code 54, low voltage fuel pump. I took it to a repair shop, and they handed it right back to me and told me to take it to a dealer because they don't have a schematic. They checked the fuel pump and it randomly drops from 12.5 volts to around 6, enough I guess to cause the pump to stop functioning. I can't afford dealership prices. Does it sound like a wiring problem? The battery is brand new and the dash gauge shows it's A-OK.
My limited knowledge is tapped out. Thanks in advance for any help or advice.