the parts they replaced and you gave the ok (not knowing any better and relying on them)
the question to be asked at each stage could have been (hindsight is 20/20) is this problem causing the sound and will replacing this cure the sound.
the only non related to a intermittent, high whistling noise is the part about "Find an oil leak and oil all over my spark plug. We replace plugs, plug wires, the hole where the leak was coming from. " but that would have possibly caused the original knock! it could have been the plugs and wires part for the knock. on this ONE item on my car I would have fixed the external leak and cleaned off the plug and wires, I'd guess they got you $100-200 for the plugs and wires sub-part.
hey one of my repair stories is I didn't want to deal with it in 10 deg snow weather outside so $800 and 3 weeks later I track the original problem down to a $30 position sensor I then replaced myself, then I go back to them, remind em how much I paid , show the cracked defective part and they claim the engine bearings cracked it and will in time crack it again, it was good for another 4 years till the new one failed in a different failure mode.