Edited on Thu Nov-15-07 11:55 PM by CountAllVotes
from "Custer Died for Your Sins", page 178 ...
"In transplanting Europe to these peaceful shores, the colonists violated the most basic principle of man's history: certain lands are given to certain peoples. It is these peoples only who can flourish, thrive, and survive on the land. Intruders may hold sway for centuries but they will eventually be pushed from the land or the land itself will eventually destroy them. The Holy Land, having been periodically conquered and beaten into submission by a multitude of invaders, today remains the land which God gave to Abraham and his descendants. So will America return to the red man."
To me this is a message of hope, a message of renewal and survival for those having Indian blood. Perhaps it is only the Indian people of America that are left, regardless of blood quantum I might add, that have the innate power to rebuild and restore our America. We as America's native peoples have a great responsibility before us as the keepers of this sacred land. We must do what is required to do. It is no time to walk away and say forget it, America is lost, lost forever. We have work to do and America is waiting for We the Real People of the United States to do the work before us no matter how difficult it may be or appear to be. Nothing can take that from us. Nothing.
You cannot live in the reality of the white Europeans and what they have done to America and its Native peoples for it is not all of you nor of me or any other Indian person either for that matter.
It is the blood, that blood of the Cherokee and the Choctaw that runs through my veins which gives me that innate connection to this land. Because of this, it is the only place that I can survive upon. This my friend also applies to you.
You might also consider reading Vine Deloria's book "God is Red". It is a similar type of message in a far more profound way.
Hang in there I say to you, my relation. Things will change soon, we know that much. How it will change we do not know but we must never forget that we play a vital and profound role in this upcoming change whether it is apparent to anyone or not.
Most importantly we must realize that we need to practice the art of patience, something that most Indian people have had to learn in their lives at one time or the other given the circumstances that we have been dealt as a people that were hopefully exterminated by this very same government that we are facing once again today.
We are the survivors and we will continue to survive and exist as that is the will of the land we live upon and our Creator. So as you see, by this fact alone, the Europeans have failed miserably for all to now see. This is what it has taken is my thought. Perhaps this is a new beginning for our America dare I suggest.
May the Creator guide you and help you and all of us that are feeling the pain of this earth. That is what we as Indian people are experiencing IMO, the pain of the earth.
CountAllVotes :)