but one close to my heart. My granddaughter was one of many newborns who were given Lydocain by an orderly in an Air Force hospital in Alabama some years ago. The orderly wanted to take the babies to the brink of death so he could become a hero for reviving them. There was a huge coverup on the part of the AF and the hospital, but the truth finally came out. Until it became public, the creep was working in the hospital kitchen, where he'd been transferred because doctors and nurses alike knew what he'd done.
The creep never served time for these crimes (although he had previously served jail time for throwing his 2-year-old child across the room and breaking his legs). He was eventually fired from the AF hospital and then went to California to work in hospitals there. I don't know where he is now.
A class action suit was filed against the AF, and my granddaughter, as well as the other victims (the ones who survived), including those in vegetative and near-vegetative states because of his acts, received health care benefits till they reach adulthood. Big friggin' deal. All of them will forever suffer health consequences from what was done to them by this monster.
A group of the victims' parents appeared on the Leeza show and were booed by the audience, whereas the asshole perp was cheered. He shed tears and pretended to be the real victim in the situation, and the morons in the audience bought it. They even threw things at the parents during breaks.
I understand vigilante justice now. I do, I do, I do.