Article linkToy Bear riddleA CHILLING photo of the JonBenet Ramsey murder suspect
(when he was a child) hugging a white Santa Claus teddy bear is one of several twists in the murder mystery.
Students of Prof Michael Tracey, who Karr emailed for four years, recalled him (Tracey) describing a chilling photo sent by the suspect.
A bear being hugged by Karr in the boyhood snap was said to be the same as the one that appeared briefly in JonBenet's bedroom after her slaying in Boulder, Colorado, on December 26, 1996.
No one in the Ramsey family remembered seeing it before and it apparently vanished before police could seize it as evidence.
Oh for cripes sake! The bear in JonBenet's bedroom was a pageant prize she won! Maybe someone should ask Patsy's sister Pam Paugh if she took the bear when she went into the house after the murder and took loads and loads of the Ramseys' things out to give to them.
Here's an excerpt from a videotaped interview of Patsy Ramsey, August 28, 2000:8 MR. WOOD (Ramsey lawyer): The video shows a
9 Santa Bear.
10 MS. HARMER: Yes. The video is
11 taken at the same pageant where LaDonna
12 passed out these prizes, one of which was
13 the bear.
14 MR. WOOD: Again, I am just
15 trying to make sure, do you have a video of
16 JonBenet holding or receiving a Santa Bear or
17 are you saying that Santa bears were given
18 out to some of the people there?
19 MS. HARMER: The video shows the
20 Santa Bear on the table.
21 MR. WOOD: Well, the table, who
22 all is in the picture?
23 MR. KANE: Maybe I can clarify
24 it. LaDonna Graygo purchased the bear,
25 purchased the Santa Bear. It was the prize
1 to JonBenet, and she told us the prize that
2 JonBenet was awarded for winning little Ms.
3 Christmas. That was the prize and it was
4 the only bears that she had, and she got it
5 from someplace in Nebraska, a mail order
6 company. I can't remember the name.