Duane 'Dog' Chapman Arrested by U.S. Marshals Duane Chapman, the star of television reality show "Dog The Bounty Hunter," has been arrested by U.S. Marshals in Hawaii on Mexican charges of illegal detention and conspiracy in connection with his arrest of fugitive Max Faxtor heir, Andrew Luster, three years ago. Chapman and his team were held briefly in Puerto Vallarta jail shortly after they captured Luster, but were released after posting bail.
The 53-year-old Chapman (pictured in his 2003 Mexican mug shot) was arrested along with his son Leland Chapman and another associate, Timothy Chapman. All three were in on the arrest of Luster and all three appear in the popular A&E Network show.
In Mexico, bounty hunting is illegal. The three were supposed to return to Mexico in July 2003 for a court hearing, but failed to appear.