Edited on Mon Nov-20-06 05:42 PM by XanaDUer
http://www.newyorkbusiness.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20061120/FREE/61120012/1040/FREEThe controversial book and television special, “If I Did It,” has been cancelled by News Corp Chairman Rupert Murdoch.
Regan Books, a division of News Corp publishing house HarperCollins, was scheduled to release the pretend “confession” next week to coincide with a two-night television special hosted by Judith Regan, publisher of the eponymous imprint.
In both the special and the book, Mr. Simpson was to describe how he would have committed the double-murder of his wife Nicole Brown-Simpson and her friend Ron Goldman, if he had done it. Mr. Simpson was acquitted of the charges.
Mr. Murdoch called the decision to publish the book and present the special —which would have appeared on Fox television stations—a mistake...