You know how there is one aspect of conservatives that involves them believing that the difference between them and is us that we only use our hearts, while they use their heads?
You know: We only "feel." They "think."
We make our judgments based on foolish, soft emotion. They make their judgments based on sound, rational logic and common sense.
That's one of their big memes, isn't it? They're better than we are because we're soft and weak--sensitive, feeling people who can't think--whereas they're clearheaded, clear-eyed people who don't let their emotions get in the way of their brains when it comes to how the world should be and how the country should be governed. (John Dean does an excellent job of ddescribing all this in Conservatives Without Conscience. If you haven't read it yet, I would still highly recommend it.)
And, of course, goodness knows, a person's thought processes MUST be governed by EITHER his heart OR his head. There are two divergent tracks, and one must choose one or the other. It is simply not possible to choose both at the same time, to be able to simultaneously think with the brain and feel with the heart, and draw conclusions and judgments based on a combination of the two. At least not in Conservative World.
Well, I'm here to tell John Dean he's got it a teensy bit wrong. Because conservatives are not the only people who think that way. I have seen at least one thread today in which these very memes were put forth in the name of self-defense. By people I had previously respected, too.
You know: "We are the ones spitting on Russert's grave because we are the THINKERS of DU. We don't let stupid emotion interfere with our memories of exactly what he was. Only the softhearted fools think you have to get all mushy and forget what a person was the second he dies, and become all EMOTIONAL about it. Stupid FEELERS. Disgusting."
Yes, they're here with us, just as they are in Freeperland. And the funny thing is, if you look hard enough in Freeperland, you can find people who also defy the meme about what they are. Usually, though, they end up becoming part of us, because the rest of their society rejects them.
I try to understand why some people are so cold about death, why they have to ridicule others' reaction to it as overwrought, even when it isn't that intense. ("Death comes to us all. Why do you have to tear your clothes and gnash your teeth over it?") The only conclusion I can draw is that they really, really don't want to get too close to the subject, because they can't deal with it. Oh, yeah, they pretend like they're the only ones who can ("It's a fact. So what?"), but they're kidding themselves. And no matter what I do, I'm sure not going to change them. The best satisfaction I can get is to have my say and go. It's going to take something else altogether to make them face up to it.
But once again, it's nice to have a safe place here to talk about it.