I'll try to be here too.
At my hotel in my undisclosed location in my undisclosed country, my TV doesn't get MSNBC, but they have free Internets downstairs. Which means that as soon as MSNBC gets done posting the whole show (unfortunately minus those adorable teases) to their bigger, faster, Keithier Countdown Web site, I can watch and enjoy. I sure am glad...I would have hated to miss the annual blowing up of watermelons and mannequins that is our country's fireworks safety demo.
Last night in my room I watched Anderson Cooper's "exclusive cell phone photos" of the Obama-Clinton event...please. Some scoop. I'm coming down here tonight about 10, assuming there's a computer free--the live show should have been posted up by then and I can watch and respond.
Although I may have been warped by last night's #1 story...ouch. We had our "early Ron Jeremy," now we have our "short Ron Jeremy." And she DID look like Amy Winehouse. :scared:
Just one thing: Glenn Greenwald is now accusing Keith of having his nose up Obama's butt on supporting the FISA bill. Agreed or not? I just think Keith is pointing out what others are not, namely that Obama's stance doesn't necessarily mean the telecoms get off scot free, they could still be criminally prosecuted even if not civilly prosecuted...I'm not saying that's necessarily the way to go, but it's a good point to make. Did Keith even say he supports Obama on that? I'm not sure he did, he just pointed it out. And he pointed out that Obama may be trying to play the issue that way. Greenwald is suggesting Keith is just going to be pro-Obama now the way Fox is pro-Bush, and that this is not the kind of media we need. I don't think that's quite fair of him, and I think that if Keith sees the need, he will be more than happy to come out in obvious opposition to an Obama stance. And of course you KNOW what will happen THEN...others will accuse him of having "rolled over for the right."
In short, Keith cannot win, no matter what he does.
Just curious whether anyone else sees it that way.
Enough of this online business. Got things to do, people to see...later!