I don't want to have to even bring it up with the management, but I'm feeling as if I may have to.
I have been able to glean, more or less obliquely, through little things they've said, that two of my male coworkers are, if not Republicans, conservatives. They discuss politics between each other in ways that they think are subtle or quiet and think aren't being noticed by anyone else, but I know damn well what they're talking about when they make references to what "Barry" just did and so on. (For the record, we don't work with anyone named Barry--or anyone really named Berry, either. :-)) They also talk at the desk of one of them who sits right across from me, and they probably think I don't hear because I have my earbuds in listening to my radio or Internet radio or whatever, but I can hear them right through--I'd have to really have the things cranked up to 11 to drown them out.
Today I thought I heard one of them saying something in a pleased voice about how someone was "really settling into a very Carrie-like groove." Then I realized that of course, he wasn't saying "Carrie"; he was saying "Kerry." In short, he was talking about Obama again--saying he was "settling into a very Kerry-like groove." I.e., he is settling into a situation in which he appears to be just another John Kerry; hence, he will be very easy to defeat in November. Oh, and he said this after he said the phrase "liberal fascism" quite loudly--so I knew they were talking politics.
This stuff is making me grind my teeth. I mean, I don't discuss politics at work at all, and I like it that way--I have no intention of starting now, and I have no wish to argue politics with these guys or create confrontations. I get along with both of them fine as long as we keep it on a work and general apolitical level, and that's the way I like it. Besides, they're not supposed to be discussing politics at work anyway.
Yeah, I know I could shrug it off, tell myself "They're whistling in the dark, Obama's winning in November," but that doesn't really help any because I really don't look forward to hearing what they'll console themselves with if that happens. You know, about how dumb the voters were, how we fell for all that hope and change nonsense, too bad so many people other than us are a bunch of suckers and ignoramuses, now we'll see what kind of crap they've let us in for.
I know I'm perfectly within my rights to go to one of my bosses and say, without even mentioning names, that I feel uncomfortable about the degree to which some people are discussing politics with each other at work, and they will make some kind of blanket statement at the next meeting to remind everyone that political talk at work is a bad idea. But my feeling is that if I do this, it will be guessed who brought up the subject in the first place and somehow or other I will get the brunt of the resentment. Either that or I'll have to put up with a whole lot of annoying whispering across from me, which, while I may not be able to hear it, will still be, well, annoying. Or there'll be a lot of talk even more in "code" than the "Barry" business, but it'll be just as easy to break.
So...what would you guys suggest I do? Besides find another job? I await your replies, as I go off to eat and clean my bathroom floor...