Tired of posting silly videos, cussing out Hillary Clinton & sexually harassing a certain syndicated radio show host who pretends she doesn't know he exists (hi Mama), Botany made a rash decision to become DG's knight in shining armor & rescue her from the "hospital" she was being held hostage in. So, he loaded up some of the Cherokee Purple tomatoes he knew she wanted to try & got into his car. Unfortunately for him, the Botanymobile decided it was not up for the trip, so it refused to start. How can I be a knight in shining armor & rescue the fair DG if I do not have a noble steed?
Fortunately for him, at this point in time, he noticed the Weinrmobile parked in front of the local Dairy Queen and sure enough, the keys were still in the ignition. Off he went to Texas.
Somehow his luck held, even with the nationwide BOLOs put out by Oscar Meyer, because every law enforcement agency was in mourning for the widespread closing of Krispy Kreme donut shops & had no time or inclination to chase down a motorized hot dog.
Finally, Botany reached his destination & made preparations to visit DG in her cell hospital room & case the joint. He strode into the room with Taco Bell & a key to the local Red Roof Inn. "Hey, baby, have I ever told you you're my fave?"
"Oh, Botany!" cried DG. "You've come to save me! How can I ever thank you? I'm so bored, the only thing that interests me is fantasizing about wrapping the blood pressure cuff around the neck of the next person who 'wants to check my vital signs.'"
Botany, not being a dummy, immediately scratched the come-on line he'd been working on for thousands of miles & replied "How's about showing me some moves with that IV pole?"
At this point in time, a self appointed topic police nurse ran into the room & cried "You can't do that!! Those aren't the rules of this forum!!! This is not ON TOPIC!"
Suddenly there was a flash of light & down from Heaven, descending on a cloud, came Keith Olbermann, dressed in THE Gray Suit. "Is this ON TOPIC enough for you?" he said before disappearing as quickly as he appeared. Taking advantage of the distraction, Botany rushed DG from the room, IV pole & all & into the Weinermobile where they made good their escape.