Edited on Mon Sep-01-08 12:54 PM by BerryBush
(edited to fix typo!)
Unbelievable, huh????
Well, so much for the Repugs stealing Obama's post-convention bounce...
It's incredible. It's like, as this hurricane hits, the whole party is self-destructing before our very eyes...
Oh well. At least DU'ers have better things to talk about now than how stupid Palin must be because her degree is in journalism. And I no longer have to be sickened by all the totally unfounded rumors about Trig's parentage that made me wonder what the hell has happened to DU and Kos. Even the self-righteous players of dirty politics who insisted on spreading the unfounded "Trig is Bristol's baby" rumor (and didn't even care whether it was true or whether it ruined her life, so long as it won an election) can only back-pat themselves so much for keeping it alive, because if what Sarah Palin claims is true (and I'm not sure why she'd lie about something like this), they are still WRONG. They're wrong about everything except their claim that Bristol had sex and got pregnant. The whole tinfoil-hat crap about an elaborate "coverup" surrounding Trig's birth is then made nonsense. Of course, they'll continue to bitch and moan about Sarah flying while leaking amniotic fluid, but whatever.
I can see how the Repugs are going to try desperately to spin this as a pro-life story on the positive side of the ledger and also inflict maximum damage on the Obama campaign and its supporters by accusing them of spreading vile rumors. But I really don't see how this comes off as a win for them in the end. It still makes Palin look, even to her own supporters, like a pro-abstinence mom who couldn't get her own daughter to keep it in her pants.
Let the betting pool for which day Palin steps down from the ticket, and for who replaces her, commence.