Edited on Thu Aug-04-05 09:00 PM by WolverineDG
and runaway brides...just heard tonight that FAUX news is filming across the border in Nuevo Laredo about all the violence & kidnappings that have been taking place there, so I guess they've found a new "thing" to scare Americans with. :eyes:
So, you have it here from me: Yes, there is a problem with violence & kidnappings in Nuevo Laredo. Do I go across? No, but then I don't normally go across unless someone's in town & they want to go have dinner in Mexico. As far as I know, tourists & the tourist area around the bridge have not been targeted; otherwise, there wouldn't be as many people crossing back & forth every day over Bridge 1.
We've been dealing with this situation for quite some time without much attention from the national media, thanks kindly. Are armed federales patroling the streets of NL? Yes, but this happens so frequently for various reasons (mostly to get the black market sellers off the streets) it's considered "normal." Wanna help w/what's going on here? Get the government to send us some god-damn money so we can hire more law enforcement officers & arm them for christ's sake. Tell FAUX & the damn Minutemen to stay home. We don't want or need them here.