The same thing happens if you try AT ALL to defend the Duggars for their reproductive choices, amidst all the snickering repetitive "A vagina is not a clown car" jokes. Sure, people have a right to speak their mind on what these people do, especially because they chose to make their family's life into a reality show. But really, what some DU'ers don't seem to realize is that you can't support a woman's freedom NOT to reproduce without also supporting her freedom TO reproduce if that is her choice--even if it's a choice she makes because of a religion you disagree with. It's her body, her choice. Hopefully she won't destroy her body doing it, but really, if she does, she doesn't seem to care. Again, HER CHOICE.
Same thing with the Quiverful movement in general--I disagree with their religion and their philosophy that women have to be baby machines to serve their God. But if they freely CHOOSE to live their lives that way, then let them. If they feel trapped and they want out, let them leave. In any case, I don't feel threatened by the number of children they have or raise with the idea of having them and their beliefs take over the country. It simply won't happen, because it's never true that all children raised in a restrictive religion stay within that religion. If they feel oppressed, they leave, and they become the world's biggest advocates against it. So it's a self-correcting societal thing.
DU'ers who want to prevent Quiverfuls from doing what they do are no less repressive than the Chinese government, which tells couples they can have only ONE child. It's reproductive control, either way.
FLDS, same thing. I disagree with how these women choose to live. But it is their choice. If and when situations are found in which it is truly not their choice--underage girls forced to marry old men, etc.--let the law step in. But I do not feel it is my place to tell grown women how to live, nor is it my place to assume they are "brainwashed" just because they don't. Also, these people don't attack the Amish the way they attack the FLDS (unless they are accusing the Amish of running puppy mills). Why not? Why is it that if you are Amish or Mennonite, people will leave you alone, but it's not OK to be FLDS because then you have a weird religion that oppresses women and you dress funny?
I would wager a lot of married women out there who consider themselves "liberated" are making a lot of automatic, unconsidered life decisions themselves, that I would wonder whether they've ever really considered. Such as, how many are assuming that child rearing is still primarily their job? They may say they share it, but they automatically assume the responsibility for making sure their kids get cared for in a way their husbands don't. I don't see how what is ingrained in a woman because of the unspoken expectations of her society is any less "brainwashing" than what a woman believes because of her religion.
It's just that at DU, religion is always the enemy. There are so many people here, obviously, who had bad or poisonous experiences with religion. I feel really sorry for them, but at the same time they don't realize how insulting they are to some of their fellow DU'ers when they use religion as the whipping boy for all that is wrong with the world, say all believers are stupid and/or mentally ill, and the other statements they normally fling around.
Most of them don't even grasp that their efforts to "disprove" religious beliefs make no more sense than stuff like Christian efforts to "prove" that there really was a Noah's Ark or a Jesus or whatever. The whole point of faith is that it's FAITH. It doesn't have to conform to empirical laws of science and reason. You can't call it false just because it fails to meet your scientific tests for truth. You can CHOOSE to side with reason and science and not to believe in anything for which there is no concrete scientific evidence, and that's fine--but that doesn't mean you can tell other people they're idiots because they have FAITH in something that is by definition impossible to prove. It's as stupid as a believer saying evolution can't possibly be for real despite the preponderance of evidence for it.
Agh. Anyway, enough from me. I've crabbed enough to last a year.