Laffy put it so well I wanted to share with the KOEB. Ihope he lands somewhere he can share his thoughts soon. Even if it is a blog.
Posted on Saturday, January 22, 2011 by GottaLaff
Keith affected me personally, as well as professionally.
Professionally, he would tweet breaking news that I could then share with our readers before most other outlets could. He would do the same on his show: break news, analyze, and educate us. Read that part again: Educate us. Very few on air personalities do that, and Keith did it regularly, whether it was during an enlightening interview, a Worst Persons segment, or a Special Comment. I always found a nugget, something I hadn’t heard before. Now I worry that we’ll all be less informed due to his absence. I didn’t always agree with him, but that has little to do with feeling less informed.
This is no small thing. TV news has been increasingly and woefully inadequate for years, but Keith examined topics others ignored. He was the one who opened our eyes to Janet Brewer’s personal “death panels” as she allowed the heart wrenching, jaw-dropping elimination of funding for transplant patients. He was the one that helped raise millions of dollars for public health clinics. He regularly directed our attention to stories that might not otherwise be covered. Now his voice is temporarily silenced at a time when we need more pertinent information, not less.
Personally, he would gently correct me if I made an error in a post, or would share what I wrote by retweeting me when he felt it was worthy. I hope he continues to monitor what we do here at TPC, because his sharp eye and high standards are valued.
Finally, he made me aware of something so important, so crucial to my family that I will never be able to thank him enough. It started with his heartfelt series of reports about his father’s declining health, which led him to plead with us to attend to our own families’ end of life paper work and decisions. I listened attentively to that, and I acted on it. Because of his public appeals to all of us, and a few private messages he sent me, I am now secure in knowing that my own family, and my 91-year-old dad, will have been well taken care of.