I've been reading through all the posts on our nightly thread, and the thing I'm struck by is how much we all want to help, but don't know how. So, here are my ideas. Add on, please!
First off, email Rick Kaplan. NOW. Call MSNBC and ask to speak to his assistant. (Believe it or not, they WILL put you through, without screening your call.) Tell him how much "Countdown" touched you tonight. The more positive response KO gets, the better. This is when he needs our support. Resist the temptation to bash Rita. (I know, I know, I know...) If the idiots at MSNBC know that THIS type of programming...where it's the correspondents telling the stories, and NOT the "hosts" blowing their own horns...gets a response, they just might do more of it.
Second, call your congresspeople and let them know how disgusted you are by all this. Your power is your vote. Tell them that if they don't do something NOW, they don't get your vote.
Third, contact the ususal, but wonderful, suspects: the Red Cross, FEMA, etc. Tell them you want to do more than give money. They may have ideas for not only now, but the weeks and months to come.
Fourth, keep the pressure on the media barons: Oprah, Martha, the Donald, etc. Email and call. Tell them you want to know what THEY are doing to help. These folks have power. Make them use it. They'll probably do more, faster, than our government will.
Fifth, see what locally will be going on in your community this weekend. I know here that the parish I go to will definitely be taking donations not only for Catholic charities, but for funds to send people to the areas to help. If you can't go yourself, support someone who can (but be sure it's through a group you can trust).
Sixth, if you're feeling snarky...call or email Fox. Ask Bill O'Reilly what he, personally, is doing to help, besides bashing those who are. Ask Sean Hannity why they aren't covering white looters. Make these people take responsibility or, at the least, let them know they aren't getting away with it.
Last...pray. Hold a good thought. Do a kindness for someone you love. Even if it's not in the hurricane area, I really believe it counts.
I'm proud to be a member of this board tonight. You all rock.