To Jossip's credit, they made minimal edits of my original work. Bet you can tell who's writing is mine! :)'s nothing quite like a good bitch, especially when the "bitches" are Lloyd "Why Check the Facts?" Grove and Keith "I'm Not Paranoid" Olbermann.
Fortunately we have Intern "always loves a good fight" Wendy to cover the logistics. She brings us the play by play on this all-out media war, including her own personal take on the only reason why anyone watches Rita Cosby.
The conclusion was today’s Grove column “Home on Deranged,” in which he calls Keith “krazy” with a k. In case you are confused and not just totally bored, you can read up on the article's twisted history after the jump.
• Last August, Grove "scooped" MSNBC's Rick Kaplan tirade against Olbermann's now legendary "spitting blood in the garbage can" cancer scare rant, fearing it would turn off viewers awaiting Rita Cosby's debut. (Doesn't Rick realize that blood and guts are why viewers watch Rita's show?)
• Last Sunday, Olbermann was interviewed by Brian Lamb on C-Span's Q&A. Olbermann tells Lamb that he and Kaplan have made up, and although the NBC suits would rather he not rail against Dubya and Co., as long as he brings in the ratings, they don't gave a rat's ass.
• Using the Cindy Adams fact-checking system, Grove reports on Monday that Olbermann's blasting his bosses again. Olbermann fires back in an angry blog entry, and labels Grove and Katherine Thomson, Grove's flunky and former MSNBC staffer, the "worst persons in the world."
• Today, Grove responds with the same old stuff: Olbermann's nuts; Grove omitted Olbermann's comments complimenting his NBC bosses because they are "syrupy," and "sucking up;" and praising Thomson's "long and rewarding services" to MSNBC. (Like what, doing Tucker Carlson's laundry?)
But, really, do these two really need to bring poor Katherine Thomson into this? So lame. Come on, these two can't live without each other, but unless they’re going to start throwing real punches, we are tired of this wussy proverbial banter.