Edited on Sun Mar-26-06 02:23 PM by BerryBush
I thought before I forget, I should mention this.
At the end of Friday's Dan Patrick Show, Dan said he would talk to Keith tomorrow (as he usually does when it's not a Friday) and Keith said no, then Dan said something to the effect of well, he could CALL Keith and talk to him anyway on a Saturday, and Keith said something to the effect of yes, but "I'll be traveling." He did not elaborate.
Just thought I should warn the KOEB who might not know...this may be another vacation week for the Keefster, and this time it may not be a working one. So...let's all try not to be too disappointed. It's not like the man doesn't deserve a week to just lollygag.
But anyway, if it is the case, may I say:
on edit: The Yankees have spring training games in St. Pete, Tampa and Lakeland for much of the coming week. Let's face it: this is looking like either a week of ASTB, or another week of Local TV News Keith. I love Local TV News Keith, but asking him to do it twice might be too much to ask of our hero. If he wants to just take a vacation, I cannot begrudge him. *sniff sniff*
Of course, this is pure speculation. If I am wrong, I will eat a bug.