I was listening to Ed Schultz today & one of the main topics was immigration. I was handling it okay, until some woman from Tennessee got on the horn & asked why the 500K Mexicans who demonstrated in LA on Saturday didn't organize & demonstrate in their own country?
HELLO! IS THIS THING ON? THE PEOPLE DEMONSTRATING ***WERE*** IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY DAMMIT! Believe it or not, there are American citizens of Mexican descent & Americans of all ethnicities who actually give a crap about this "reform" being pushed through Congress right now & are willing to protest against it. Top on the list? The Catholic clergy, including one archbishop who has publicly stated he would tell his priests & nuns to disobey the law & provide humanitarian relief to immigrants (the bill as passed by the House would make it a felony to give ANY assistance--not just jobs, but medical, shelter, food, water, counseling--to undocumented people. The local DA's are worried, as are the cops. If they help a crime victim who is undocumented, would THEY be felons?
Maybe I've just had to put up with too many statements from people who aren't joking when they say "you're not a real American; you were born in Occupied Mexico." :nuke: