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Countdown Newsletter -- 03/30/06: Baseball Probe Imminent

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Patsy Stone Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 01:08 PM
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Countdown Newsletter -- 03/30/06: Baseball Probe Imminent
Great news about Jill Carroll and a happy birthday to Eric Clapton and Norah Jones! Finally got the virus thing under contorl and, if all goes well, I'll be here later. I've missed you all.

Tonight on Countdown

The alleged steroid use by Barry Bonds and other players will be investigated by Major League Baseball, and former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell will lead the effort. A baseball official told The Associated Press on Wednesday that final plans were to be announced at a news conference Thursday, and commissioner Bud Selig was scheduled to make an announcement 2 p.m. ET at his office. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because Selig has not yet made his intentions public.

Keith's interviews with Jason Giambi and Joe Torre will be part of tonight's show as well.

Countdown w/ Keith Olbermann broadcasts LIVE at 8 pm et, and the count is never complete without you. Join us.

American reporter Jill Carroll, who was kidnapped three months ago in a bloody ambush that killed her translator and later appeared in videotapes pleading for help, was released Thursday, telling the world that she was "just happy to be free." "I just want to be with my family," Carroll told Baghdad Television. "I was treated well, but I don't know why I was kidnapped," Carroll said. The captors "never hit me .. They never said they would hit me."

Details of the alleged rape and beating of an exotic dancer who had been hired for a party of Duke University men's lacrosse team players earlier this month were made public yesterday. The woman accuses three players of holding her in a bathroom while all three sexually and physically assaulted her. Within minutes of breaking free of the house, the woman was driven to a nearby supermarket where an employee called 911, according to police.

Sago Mine survivor Randal McCloy Jr., looking thin and stiff but walking on his own, offered his gratitude Thursday as he was released from a hospital Thursday after almost three months. "I'd just like to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers, and I think that's it," McCloy said softly, wearing a ball cap and a racing-team jacket at a morning news conference. His wife, Anna, who stayed with him throughout his recovery, added her own thanks. "Today is another part of our miracle," she said.

And that 'Silvio Berlusconi' video we keep showing, where we NEVER said it WAS actually him... ?
Well, it ain't. Turns out it was part of a German parody. Hey, we never said it was him!

That's some of what we're planning for tonight's show.

BOSTON -- This Prada's bag was no designer purse. A Boston detective searching the apartment of a drug suspect wound up wrestling a sack containing 108 bags of marijuana out of the clenched jaws of a pitbull named Prada. The dog was running around carrying a tan-colored bag Tuesday as police were searching the apartment, where they had already found a loaded gun, $1,000 cash and 14 bags of marijuana. Prada did not give up without a fight.
On an unrelated note, Spring is coming! Woo-hoo!!!

-- Carey Fox

Countdown Home:

A federal jury considering whether confessed al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui is eligible for the death penalty asked the judge Thursday to define "weapons of mass destruction."

On a neighborly sightseeing jaunt Thursday with the leaders of Mexico and Canada, President Bush said the three were working to improve vital relationships that can better the lives of all their people.

Gunmen ambushed and killed eight workers from Iraq's main oil refinery in the northern city of Baiji on Thursday, police said.

Foreign ministers and their deputies from the United States, Russia, China and Europe converged in Germany on Thursday to discuss what kind of pressure to bring on Iran to get it to compromise on its suspect nuclear activities.

A minister's wife charged with shooting her husband to death in the church parsonage was ordered held without bail after waiving her right to a hearing Thursday.

The state's highest court ruled Thursday that same-sex couples from other states cannot legally marry in Massachusetts.

The ancient asteroid that slammed into the Gulf of Mexico and purportedly ended the reign of the dinosaurs occurred 300,000 years too early, according to a controversial new analysis of melted rock ejected from the impact site. The standard theory states that a giant asteroid about 6 miles (10 kilometers) wide smashed into the Yucatan Peninsula close to the current Mexican town of Chicxulub about 65 million years ago. The impact raised enough dust and debris to blot out the sun for decades or even centuries. But Markus Harting of the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands and a small group of scientists think the Chicxulub impact happened too early to have been the infamous dinosaur-killer.
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SharonRB Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 01:17 PM
Response to Original message
1. Hi, Pats
Missed you last night. I won't be there tonight -- I've got a work function to go see "Menopause the Musical." We're entertaining a bunch of women clients.
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WolverineDG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 01:57 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Have a good time

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WolverineDG Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Mar-30-06 01:56 PM
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2. Hi Pats!
Missed ya the last couple of nights! :hi:

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