Keith gets an indirect shout-out on the latest Top 10 Conservative Idiots
Berry Cool
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Sun Apr-09-06 11:50 PM
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Keith gets an indirect shout-out on the latest Top 10 Conservative Idiots |
One of the picks for this week happens to be Tweety...
So I was watching MSNBC the other day and a promo for Hardball came on. There were some whiz-bang graphics and then Chris Matthews announced that he was sticking up for me and that he'd always ask the tough questions and that politicians should bow down and tremble in his presence because he was going to squeeze their nuts until they told him the truth. Or something like that. I wasn't really paying attention. If you watch MSNBC at any time other than weeknights at 8 PM it can be awfully easy to drift off.
Kudos to you, EarlG!
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