1. Yes. I do honestly feel people pay attention to Michelle Malkin. Not everyone, but a lot of people. To say no one pays attention to her is like saying nobody watches Keith's show.
2. Yes, anyone with half a brain is gonna ask about the full story, and find out that she was the first poo-slinger. But not all will agree that that made it OK to sling poo back.
3. I am holding no one accountable for the behavior of anyone else--just for approving the behavior.
4. If politics has no moral high ground, there is no hope of ever having a moral government.
5. John Kerry's response when he was Swiftboated was to do nothing. I am not an advocate of doing nothing. I am an advocate of acting in self-defense without playing dirty or stooping to the level of an opponent. At least when it comes to something like this.
6. Yes, she should have known what might happen if she did what she did. But that doesn't make it right.
7. Whether or not she is a credible victim should not be an issue if it is only going to be used as a means of assuaging guilt on the part of those who either violated her privacy or approve of those who did. She may not be an entirely credible victim, but neither may the accuser in the Duke lacrosse rape case. Both may be crying wolf; both may be telling the truth. I don't think a rush to judgment is called for in either case.
8. What difference does it make whether a child is in public or private school? It's possible to be stalked either way. And I think anyone who justifies the stalking of children based on the actions of their parents is reprehensible.
9. "Taking the high road doesn't work"? Doesn't "work" to do what? To change the mind of a person like Malkin? Is taking the high road only worth doing when it changes people around to your way of thinking, or when it is done with people who have morals themselves? Isn't it worth doing in and of itself? Isn't it sometimes MORE important to do against people with no morals? And...does everyone now think that because Malkin has suffered this, that it will "work" to make her learn anything? Don't count on it. Now she has an excuse to play the martyr...great. Just great.
10. I guess I'm missing something here. Now that both sides are behaving the exact same way, what makes her the "asshole" and those who oppose her "the good guys" again? I am starting to lose sight of that. I'm starting to think all that has been lost in a battle of "us" vs. "them." I thought those who opposed Malkin did so because they thought believing as she does makes life worse. Well, I fail to see how stalking her child makes life better.
11. Don't lay this one on "Karma" or "God." PEOPLE did this. PEOPLE took this revenge. It was not karma, God or fate. People did it. People are responsible.
12. I don't see what makes all this "fair." All it does is make "even." But it's like nuclear escalation. Where does it end? When does someone finally stand up and say "No more. It's one thing to laugh and poke fun at people we disagree with...but to invade their privacy and put their children at risk goes too far? Even when they do the same to us?"
Someone's got to stop the war. That's all I'm saying. I despise everything Malkin stands for, but I cannot justify people doing unto her what she did unto others and consider it "karmic payback." It's nothing of the kind. It's people, seeking to do the same kind of harm that she did. And I fail to see how it makes them any better than her. Or how it makes those who approve of it any better than her.