I would be inclined to agree with you that it was about "resentment and opposition to actions"
if the OP of the other thread had said "pro-Israeli" lobby, not "Jewish" lobby!
Let me explain why I asked if you were a Jew. I find it very offensive when someone who is not Jewish tries to tell me, a Jew, what anti-Semitism
isn't. I have grown up with that particular brand of hatred and I do not need someone, who has not being a victim of it, mainly because they are not Jewish, to dictate to me what anti-Semitism
really is. Do not misunderstand what I have just written, as I did ask you what you thought it was, but I was pretty sure what your response was going to be; however, rather than make that assumption, I asked for clarification. It is no different than when whites tell black people what racism is and isn't. Of course, one doesn't have to be a member of said group to understand what a particular brand of bigotry is. Yet, there are forms of bigotry that are more subtle and those who haven't been exposed to it for years are not going to readily understand it, more often than not. This is not to say some people overreact or look for discrimination where there is none, because we know that happens as well.
Criticism of a Jew or Israel because of actions is neither racist nor anti-Semitic. Do you agree?
I agree, in part. To criticize an Israeli because of actions is not anti-Semitic or anti-Israel, for the most part. However, to criticize an Israeli
because s/he is an Israeli is bigoted, and may or may not be anti-Semitic, depending on context and the Israeli's religion. The same holds true with Jews. Criticism of Joe Lieberman's position on the Iraq, for instance, is not anti-Semitic. What is anti-Semitic is to criticize him for that position
because he is a Jew or to imply or state outright that he is more loyal to Israel than the US!
is anti-Semitic to imply that the Jews have a lobby that controls or greatly influences the US. It is
not anti-Semitic to point out that AIPAC consists of Jews, but to jump to the conclusion that they represent
all Jews is anti-Semitic and, incidentally, one of the oldest forms of anti-Semitic behavior.
That referenced thread rightfully criticized those that want Bush to have unilateral power to attack Iran. Bush needs put on a very short leash. If those who foolishly lobby Congress to give Bush this power are members of AIPAC, these members should have both their loyalties and their mental competence questioned.
That thread should have said "pro-Israeli!" To say AIPAC should question "both their loyalties and their mental competence" is fine. It is a group.
If they happen to be Jews they might want to reconsider and reevaluate where their loyalties lie. But that's not anti-Semitism, that's anti-stupidity and anti-anyone that would seek to put the USA into another self-destructive war based upon a perceived benefit to another country.
The first statement
IS anti-Semitism! To imply, because they are Jews, they have dual or divided loyalties
because they are Jewish is ANTI-SEMITIC! Do the non-Jews also need to "reconsider and reevaluate where their loyalties lie?" If so, then why aren't they mentioned? Why is the assumption that only the Jewish members of AIPAC need to "reconsider and reevaluate where their loyalties lie?"
I am a Jew and I am well aware of what anti-Semitism and isn't. While I will listen to what others have to say, I will not excuse ignorance where bigotry is concerned, which is why I replied to that thread, as did others.