By Howard Galganov April 22, 2007
Mario Dumont, leader of the Official Opposition in Quebec, wants to reopen the Constitutional Talks with the rest of Canada, which will allow Quebec to finally sign-onto this document that defines what Canada is as a nation.
I grew up in a time (and just a bit before I was born) when officially sanctioned anti-Semitism was rampant within Quebec, when a French Quebec Priest, Lionel Groulx, who was held in extraordinarily high regard by French Quebec's political and social elites made it an excommunicable offense to do business with Jews.
Quebec's leading French newspapers of the day wrote articles about Jews that would have made the Nazis' propaganda newspaper Der Str�mer proud.
A few years ago, a Jewish public school was firebombed, leaving its library totally destroyed. They caught those responsible for this act of hatred, but Quebec refused to charge them with a hate-crime.
Also just a few years ago, former Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu was invited to speak at Montreal's Concordia University by Hillel (a Jewish students' group), but his speech was cancelled because the Montreal police sent too few officers to control an extremely hostile Arab/Moslem mob.