BENJAMIN HOLZMAN BLOG (november 5, 2008)
US Jews favour Obama in final polls
AMERICAN Jews have voted decidedly Democratic in US elections for decades.
The latest polls released about the Jewish vote suggest this trend will continue this election.
Despite strong appeals from the McCain campaign, Jewish voters, by and large, have not been persuaded by the Republican case.
The latest poll conducted by Gallup on October 21 predicts that 74 per cent of American Jewish voters will vote for Barack Obama, while only 22 per cent will vote for John McCain.
This lead of 52 per cent has grown considerably since Gallup conducted their first poll of American Jewish voters on June 1, where Obama’s lead was only 31 per cent.
The also poll found that the demographic with the strongest support for Obama was the elderly, while the demographic with the weakest support for Obama was voters aged 18-34.
It seems Sarah Silverman was targeting the wrong group perhaps the ‘Great Schlep’ would have worked better if done in reverse! More: