I just saw the previews in the Sundance Channel. If this is half as good as
Trembling Before G-d, it will be quite an experience!
Keep Not Silent (Sundance Channel, 9 PM ET/PT) PREMIERE - This documentary follows three Orthodox Israeli lesbians who are members of a secret support group called 'Ortho-Dykes'. Winner of the Israeli Oscar for Best Documentary - www.sundancechannel.com.
http://www.gaywired.com/article.cfm?section=10&id=9486KEEP NOT SILENT
directed by Ilil Alexander
2004 - 52 mins - ColorDocumentarian Ilil Alexander profiles three Israeli women’s courageous fight for self-realization, honesty and acceptance. All are pious members of Jerusalem’s Orthodox community. And all three are lesbians. While mindful of holy strictures forbidding homosexuality, each manifests her sexuality differently. One is a closeted mother of ten children; a second has an agreement with her husband to see her female lover twice a week; and the third, a rabbi’s daughter, is publicly honest about her identity, yet suffers her parents’ rejection.
Monday 06.12.06 at 09:00 PM
Saturday 06.17.06 at 10:30 AM
Thursday 06.22.06 at 09:15 AM
Thursday 06.22.06 at 07:00 PM