OUTREACH. Rep J.D. Hayworth (R-AZ) thought he might feel just a tad unwelcome at Shul recently after he expressed support for notorious anti-Semite Henry Ford's "americanization" program, and refused to apologize after protests from the Jewish community in his district.
So on Tuesday he backed out of a scheduled campaign appearance at a local synagogue and instead sent a surrogate. Some might say that was already a sign of disrespect and not a step in the right direction.
But things really got ugly when Jonathan Tratt, a spokesman for the Hayworth campaign, reportedly told the audience that Hayworth "is a more observant Jew" (Hayworth is not Jewish) than those in the audience.
That went over real well.
Another Hayworth surrogate, Irit Tratt, replied to the audience's unenthusiastic response by saying "No wonder there are anti-Semites."
It sounds like Hayworth may need to mend some fences, which at least makes it a good thing he's close with Jack Abramoff.