I have Hashimoto's disease. I got it when I was about eleven. The doc put me on Armour thyroid, 2 grains a day. I was still exhausted all the way thru high school and college. In high school I had to come home at 4:15 and crash for three hours every evening. My mom had to wake me up and feed me dinner. I would study for about an hour and then go back to bed. Teenagers aren't supposed to be like that.
Another doc took me OFF thyroid completely, and in my brian fog was too dense to insist that I keep taking it. I was off it for about five years. I got to where I could only get out of bed with willpower.
I found another doctor (a pathologist, osteopath and nutritionist) who knew his stuff. He said I had the worst case of myxedema (swollen face) he had ever seen. He also said I was about a month or two away from falling into a coma.
He said "We'll titrate your dose to see what you need". We started at 1 grain per day, for a couple of weeks, then went to two, three, and so on, up to eight.
Now most doctors would freak out over eight grains a day. I felt a lot better, and at no time did I have any heart palpitations, nervousness or any hyper symptoms.
Then we took the dosage back down gradually and the doctor said "What is the minimum dose at which you feel good?". It was five grains.
He prescribed five grains a day for years and it was the first time I felt good and had energy since I was eleven.
The pathologist retired some years ago and he may be deceased by now.
My internist went ahead and prescribed what I told him. Now the man has closed his office that's closest to me. I went to the internist he referred his patients at that office to. I saw the new guy yesterday and he just about hit the ceiling when I told him I was on five grains. He said "We have to do blood tests". I said "I know." I told him I had Hashimoto's disease and he wrote that down like he really didn't know what that was!!!
Apparently he will go by TSH and not my symptoms, and won't believe me. I've gone round and round with doctors over taking Armour, and taking ENOUGH. They think that nobody needs more than two grains per day, no matter that my temp is subnormal and my feet get cold at night.
I'm going to have to get an article where Amer. Assoc of Endocrinologists has lowered the acceptable range of TSH and give it to him (link at www.stopthethyroidmadness.com).
I'll have to ask him if he takes the patient's symptoms and history into account, or not. I'll have to ask him, if he thinks my dosage is harmful, why I would deliberately take a dosage that was harmful to me?
:banghead: :banghead: