Brook, I can only imagine trying to cope with excruciating pain, while having to do so with lack of support. I suffer from RSDS, and can tell you that it's an uphill battle to get a diagnosis, much less treatment. Check out this website gives the symptoms, and has some information you might find helpful. Please don't get me wrong, I have no medical training, and wouldn't attempt to diagnose you or anybody else, but there are some conditions that cause a variety of symptoms, and are hard to treat. I am fortunate enough to have found a decent pain management doctor, but even so, getting pain relief is still difficult.
My heart goes out to you, because when I first came to grips with the fact that I would have to live in chronic pain, it was very difficult to cope with that knowledge. People who have not dealt with chronic pain do not understand what it's like being in varying degrees of pain for day after day, and night after endless night, Strangely, for me the pain became almost like another aspect of myself, like my heart, or soul, or mind. Pain like that becomes part of you, not a temporary thing like being thirsty, say, which you can relieve by drinking water.
You are afraid to make long term plans, because while some days are better than others, if you try to decide whether to say, go to a movie in a few days, you might or might not be able to make it. You sometimes try to hide the pain from family and friends, either because you don't want them to worry, or because they make you feel guilty, as if your pain was nothing but an inconvenience to them.
Your first priority has to be finding a decent doctor. Another thing that those of us who live with chronic pain realize, is that while individual doctors might like to prescribe the appropriate medicines, many are wary of doing so, because the government has a tendency to monitor pain management doctors. The fear of drug addiction seems to remove rational thought, since drugs taken to treat chronic pain don't make the person suffering high, they just make life more bearable.
After reading your posts, though, I am appalled by the lack of love and compassion your family and friends have shown toward you. Going through pain day after day is both physically and emotionally draining. Having understanding and support from those in your life who should be there for you can make all the difference in the world. Just having to deal with the pain itself is bad, but going through it without a good support system can be a disaster.
I pray for you, and that you can find some pain relief, and that if the ones who should comfort you refuse to, that you will be able to meet people who will care, and will try to share the burden with you. I wish I could do more.
:hug: :hug: :hug: As it is, all I can do is send some cyber-hugs and healing thoughts your way.