i've been beating myself up on both sides of the pain. first, when i'm pain-free, i think i'm a big whiner. then, when i'm in full flare (like today and yesterday) i think, that i'm irreponsible for not being able to get a doctor to understand it. i a big self-blamer.
i don't know much about fibro. i've been going under the assumption that i have a lupus-like illness. maybe it's similar.
but the thing about the fear cut so close to the bone. i have alot of organ involvement -- kidneys and liver -- so when i get The Pain, i also get the intense fear that i'm just going to up and die. the pain itself is kind of reassuring, bc at least it's something. at least i'm still here.
i almost drove myself to the ER this morning, but i've had such horrible experiences with complaining of "pain" that i just couldn't gather the strength. plus, i don't have any money or a bank card -- newly divorcing. i'm in transition. just got a new job. i start on monday. i'm going to be a mess. my first day and i'm going to walking like Igor and weeping in the washroom.
that's the other thing. i feel like a "flake" for the first time in my life. for nearly 40 years i've been the most down-to-earth person i know. people think i want sympathy. or that's how i perceive it, because that's how i'm being treated in the divorce. blah blah blah.
then i'm sure i'm a flake when the pain ends and i have trouble even putting my finger on what the big deal was. what a whiner!
i bruise easily too, btw. i amaze myself at how i can totally walk into door jambs and mis-judge how wide i am. i don't do it in the car, thank god! but i have trouble sensing my body sometimes. then i look in the mirror and can't put a memory to a bruise.
i had a very good friend in college. she was an adunct prof in philosophy. she taught phenomenology (phil of body, kinda) and feminism. she had what she called, "an autoimmune disorder." so, many days we'd have to cancel plans b/c she was not feeling well.
as a 20-something, my perception of pain didn't go much further than hangovers and migraines. she'd complain of "joint pain" and fevers. i couldn't wrap my brain around it (how does a joint hurt? what would that feel like?).
later, i moved and heard that she was having psychological problems. bad, organic, and obvious. as i read about inflammatory disease i'm finding that it can attack any system. when it was "just" my liver and kidneys it seemed less threatening. the thought of losing mental capacity with this shit is terrifying.
i could go on and on. i'm in the middle of it all right now. it exists to me. i need to remember.