your jaw hurt like crazy. Have you ever had a consult. with a specialist to see if you have TMJ Dysfunction? Headaches are a primary symptom, along with jaw pain. Some other symptoms are:
While many of these symptoms have been connected with TMJ Dysfunction, there is no true "classic" picture of a person that suffers from TMJ Dysfunction.
Eye Pain and Eye Problems: - eye pain above, below, behind - bloodshot eyes - blurring of vision - bulging appearance - pressure behind the eyes - light sensitivity - watering of the eyes - drooping of the eye lids
Head Pain, Headache Problems, Facial Pain: - forehead pain - temporal pain - "migraine" type headache - "cluster-type" headache - sinus headache under the eyes - posterior headaches, back of head, with or without shooting pains - hair and/or scalp painful to touch
Mouth, Face, Cheek, and Chin Problems: - discomfort or pain to any of these areas - limited opening - inability to open the jaw smoothly or evenly - jaw deviates to one side when opening - inability to "find bite" with teeth
Teeth and Gum Problems: - clenching or grinding at night - looseness and or soreness of back teeth - tooth pain
Jaw and Jaw Joint Problems: - clicking, popping jaw joints - grating sounds - jaw locking opened or closed - pain in cheek muscles - uncontrollable jaw or tongue movements
Ear Pain, Ear Problems, and Postural Imbalances: - hissing, buzzing, ringing, or roaring sounds - diminished hearing - ear pain - without infection - clogged, stuffy, "itchy" ears, feeling of fullness - balance problems, "vertigo", dizziness, or disequilibrium - crackling noises in ears
Throat Problems: - swallowing difficulties - tightness of throat - sore throat without infection - voice fluctuations - laryngitis - frequent coughing or constant clearing of throat - feeling of foreign object in throat - tongue pain - salivation (intense) - pain of the hard palate in the mouth
Neck and Shoulder Problems: - lack of mobility - reduced range of movement - stiffness - neck pain - tired, sore neck muscles - shoulder aches - back pain upper and lower - arm and finger tingling, numbness and or pain