my fibro is kicking up right now with a cold front. ive got the total-body ache and fatigue.
to me, aches are more troublesome than flat-out pain because there's a transient quality. you're not in "screaming" pain, even though you're in so much general pain you want to scream. people think you look fine, and so they can't empathize with you. i get crushing fatigue with the ache, so doing normal stuff requires a herculean effort. it's a disease of frustration.
check out what this website says about costochrondritis. this might jibe. :hugs: of Costochondritis
If you have fibromyalgia, be on the lookout for these costochondritis symptoms:
* sharp, stabbing pain in the front of the chest
* ribs that are sore to the touch
* pain on the left or right side of the chest
* upper chest pains
* burning pain in the ribs
* pain that radiates up the back of the neck and shoulders
* pain in your chest when you sneeze or cough
* pain that increases with activity, exertion, or deep breathing
* pain that decreases with rest, movement, or slow breathing
Costochondritis is also associated with other, secondary symptoms. These include:
* rapid heart rate
* irregular heart rate
* shortness of breath or difficulty breathing