I'm about sick to death of the fibro, IBS, and low immunity crap, so I'm going on a freaking health kick. Bought a juicer and am using it everyday, experimenting a little bit with fasting, doing an herbal detox (I really like this one...tried others before that ripped apart my digestive track), going to as much organic food as I can afford, walking everyday, decided not to use any medicine (other than my beloved prozac) unless I'm like dying, just going to try the all natural route b/c nothing else the doctors have done has worked. Only my chiro/acupuncturist has been helpful. The only catch- I have a history of anorexia along with my depression, so the eating stuff is going to be tricky. I can't let myself get obsessive about it. Ugh. Especially with the fasting...I'd love to try like a 10 day juice fast, but mentally that might not be such a good idea. So far I think I've started a bit of a healing crisis...my left arm and leg (I have problems with that whole side) throbbed uncontrolably for a couple days, but are starting to get better. Had a horrible headache along with it. Good news, though, is the PMDD is amazingly not too bad, after only like 4 days of trying the heathy crap. I haven't even taken asprin for the pain and I've been mostly functional. I'm hoping that this is the start of some relief. I just got through a rough semester, my lowest grades ever (not horrible but still frustrating), and my health was a big part of that, so I've got to make my health a priority and lord knows no doctor gives a shit, meds don't really help (besides the prozac) and are probably just destroying my liver, and I'm 25 and don't want to be twice as bad when I'm 30!!!
Sorry, guess I needed to vent. And need someone to cheer me on, b/c the people around me mostly don't get it.