(this is a repost -- thought i'd start a new thread to give this idea more exposure. have our "invisible illnesses" been politicized? this book says yes. -- brook)
if you have one of these illnesses please pick up a copy of:
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fribromyalgia and other Invisible Illnesses: The Comprehensive Guideby Katrina Berne, PH.D
why i love this book:
i'm a political creature and i've experienced such
bizarre behavior from doctors that it's NOT ENOUGH to know the etiology of what is ailing me. i want to know WHY i'm being treated like an outcast and I WANT IT TO STOP. in addition to an exhaustive discussion of causes, treatment and symptoms, this book covers the political positioning of the illness -- and nothing has made me feel quite this good in a very long time.
these are POLITICIZED illnesses. this fact is evident in the very NAMING of the diseases. take "chronic fatigue syndrome" which is also part of my dx -- what does this sound like? "fatigue" is something that happens when you exert yourself. "doctor, it hurts when i do this" -- "well, stop doing THAT."
but, if you have this disease you are exhausted from doing nothing. the name "chronic fatigue syndrome" encapsulates a victim-blaming idea AND hides the fact that this disease has epidemic features. from page 10 of the book:
"In the early 1980s, a large portion of the population of Incline Village, Nevada, was stricken with an unusual illness. Drs. Daniel Peterson and Paul Cheney treated many of these patients and in 1985 called upon the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to investigate the outbreak. The CDC initially denied the existence of an epidemic, but later claimed they had taken the illness seriously and believed it to be related to Epstein-Barr virus. In 1988, the CDC, taking the position that the illness was not caused by EBV, RENAMED IT "chronic fatigue syndrome," issuing a case definition. The apparently disinterested CDC essentially turned its back on the devastation of Incline Village and elsewhere."
On a name-changing petition, Hillary J. Johnson, author of Osler's Web, commented that the name "chronic fatigue syndrome" was selected
by a small group of politically motivated and/or poorly informed scientists and doctors who were vastly more concerned about costs to insurance companies and the Social Security Administration than about public health. Their DELIBERATE intention -- based on the correspondence the exchanged over a period of months -- was to OBFUSCATE THE NATURE OF THE DISEASE by placing it in the realm of the psychiatric rather than the organic. The harm they have caused is surely one of the greatest tragedies in the history of medicine.
emphasis mine.
chronic fatigue syndrome is half of my current diagnosis. i paid it hardly any attention because i thought it *sounds like* just a further description of the fibro. it's NOT. it's a much more serious condition that has epidemic qualities. it entails COGNITIVE DIS(fucking)ABILITY of the kind that has plagued me since college. the name used for this disease in the UK is
myalgic encephalomyletis. now THAT sounds like a respectable disease! "enceph-" means BRAIN.
this is a brain dysfunction -- NOT JUST A BUNCH OF LAZY ASSES or chronically fatigued whiners.
one of the problems with this nomenclature is that it is vague and ambiguous -- it excludes MOST of the characteristics of the disease (cognitive dysfunction) and suggests symptoms of other disorders. this is sloppy and according to this author, it was sloppy for a political reason -- that a REAL, CONCRETE recognition of this disorder would overwhelm insurance companies and the Social Security Administration.
so lets wonder further -- what the fuck is going on? if this is indeed an "industrial disease" then there might also be LIABILITY. this is beginning to look like politically motivated tinkering in my life, health and body -- and fuck if that doesn't piss me off.
right now i've got about 3 good hours a day -- how am i ever going to work and support myself on three hours of productivity on my GOOD DAYS. at a congressional briefing in 1995, Mark Loveless M.D., and infectious disease specialist and head of the AIDS and CF'S Clinic at Oregon Health Sciences University, TESTIFIED that
"a CFS patient feels every day effectively the same as an AIDS patient feels two months before death." i can wave this information in front of my lawyer and most of my healthcare providers until i die and they will say, "you're not disabled because this isn't *really* a disease." which is, of course, what the CDC planned for back in the 80s.
think about the implications and let the anger wash over you.