that's why it's all the more important that verbal assaults like this don't go unreported. it's the responsibility of the office to make sure the staff is adequetely trained and this is a clear example of the absence of that.
i used to teach social skills for womens' physical exams -- think, one step above standardized patient. this was for second year med students mainly going into family practice. the first thing we worked on -- and the overriding theme of the program -- was professional dialogue.
first rule: a patient comes to you with a complaint or a dianosed disease that is the main focus of their life at the moment. you don't minimize it. that's the first refuge of a person uncomfortable with human suffering. "oh, i WISH i could lose that much weight!" that bascially tells the patient that their illness isn't of any concern. "sheesh, if ONLY i could lose 10 pounds without trying! MY life would be peachy." well guess what. "I (the patient) didn't come in today to discuss your weight problem. I'm here because MY weight loss indicates a serious illness and i'm terrified." the assistant's cavalier attitude suggests that your problem isn't a problem in their eyes -- so, effectively they are denying your concern, illness and terror.
in "civilian" life, if this were a friend or colleague saying this, you'd STILL feel reduced, but at least you'd have the benefit of a relationship which comes with the opportunity to correct them. you don't have that option in the professional setting. the assistant takes your weight, BP and pulse and is gone. you're left feeling alienated, terrified and (at best) questioning the professionalism of the office.
it's up to you to convey your dismay to the office. i would do this in a letter that spells out exactly what happened, why it was wrong and what you expect to be done about it (higher standards of interpersonal skills). give them action items that require follow-up, so you can determine if your concern is being taken seriously.
if there's no follow-up, then it's time to find another office, because if they are this sloppy in social professionalism, then you might wonder how your records are being handled. your labs. your billing.
i'm sorry this happened. i've been treated like a piece of meat and much worse, and even with my background i have had trouble standing up for myself. it's not easy -- especially when you are sick! :hug: