I've been sleeping heavily. During the weekend I could do nothing but sleep. I have sleep apnea and use a CPAP. I also take most of my medications at night, so yeah, I guess I'm sleeping okay. I'm oversleeping.
My regular doctor is an endocrinologist who mostly monitors my diabetes. If I ever bring up something he doesn't know about, he won't even bother to look it up. Last year, I brought up the possibility of being treated with a light box for seasonal affective disorder and he said, "I wouldn't know anything about that." This year, I brought it up again and did a bit of research because I could feel myself slipping. I told him exactly what I needed and he wrote a prescription for it (it's around here somewhere), but his nurse wouldn't help me jump through the hoops to get it approved by Medi-Cal. I'm just too tired to deal with Medi-Cal. :( My counselor made noises about helping, but it's been several weeks...maybe as long as three months??? Gawd! Finally, I just ordered the damn light on credit. Paying for it will be a bitch, but maybe not as hard as figuring out the system. I'm really tired of jumping through hoops and waiting months, even years.
I've tried various doctors, but not one is interested in helping me with these chronic problems. At least the doctor I have now fills my prescriptions on time. The others I've tried don't. This is as good as I can find, but it isn't good enough.
I can count the number of psychiatrists in this county on one hand and all of them really, really suck except one and he won't see me.
A lot of people have made noises about helping me, but so far, nada. I've asked financial aid to help with my voice lessons. There was a short storm in a teapot, mostly consisting of me calling the guy who is supposed to help disabled students. I asked him about maybe having the auto department look at my car that needs $1500 worth of repairs. Nada. He basically never got back to me after about the fiftieth time I called him. The financial aid office never got back to me. The auto department never got back to me. I finally called them and they said they couldn't help. Back to square one.
And so it goes...
There isn't anyone to help me. Once I fully realized that, I had a bit of a panic.