The first day may not be as bad as she expected it to be, but successive days will kick her ass. Some days she'll be so wiped out she can barely get from her front door to the couch, and you can bet she'll be sleeping in her clothes a lot. There is a lot of deep pain with chemo. Every bone and tendon will hurt. She will get depressed and seem a little irrational at times. She may try to push you away when it becomes tiring just having another person around. She'll be off her feed.
Make sure she stocks up on health shakes because some days, that's about all she'll be able to take as nourishment. (my mother pronounced chocolate Slim Fast as the best, so experiment with different brands and different flavors)
Encourage her to take all the drugs she can get. They're tools dedicated to helping her function until chemo is over.
Oh, and find out what her favorite color is and get her some head scarves. Wigs are hot and uncomfortable.