i sort of have to bite my tongue to not say that it has ruined it. but without my beloved hubby, i can easily imagine that i might have ended up eating out of garbage cans. having an invisible illness (fibro) has impacted everything i ever did.
one of my earliest memories is of being in my pediatrician's office, having once again missed school because of a stomach ache. i had many visits to dr ball, who was the first of many docs to shrug his shoulders and shake his head. i especially remember that most of these visits included a rectal exam. fun for a 10 year old. i understand now what it is like to have a kid not want to go to school. then i just knew that mom was annoyed, and i really didn't want to add to her troubles. but, apparently, i was a bad kid. dr ball, like the 2 dozen or so docs followed him, had no idea what was wrong. he had an excuse. fibro was not accepted as a disease by the ama till '87. the last bunch have no such excuse, especially my pcp of 7 years,(and friend, i thought) who said, when i figured out what was wrong with me- "you know, i didn't used to believe in that. but my uncle has it, and..." yeah, thanks, just sit back and watch my family very nearly fall apart. i finally got a proper dx, and proper treatment about 2 years ago. i have gotten better and better. but with answers come more questions, it seems. like, wtf was wrong with some of these docs? and, since i have always had it, will i always have to battle it? is there still a chance for me to have "a life" at 52? or will the carpet always get pulled out from under me?
it is odd how having questions answered seems to always cause a cascade. like- i had a bad flare when the weather got cold in december. i suspected that the cold was the trigger. when the doc confirmed it, i had a short burst of self satisfaction. but that was followed by- well, now i feel like i have to stay out of the cold. not just, geez, i hate the cold. but, the cold is a danger. the cold is an enemy. not just annoyed, but afraid. and i hate that. and just who am i? am i that "underachiever" that i accuse myself of being? it is so hard to make a plan for yourself, and your life, when you know it could all fall apart so easily. so, should i notch up my belt and soldier on? or should i accept my limitation, and set my sights on the possible? should i get some better longjohns, and fuck the cold? or should i try to arrange to stay in when it is cold, and give myself a break?
but then again, if i had not been sick, i would never have found du, would not know everything i know about what is wrong with my country, and would never have added my voice to the chorus of those who want this crap stopped. you never can really say where you would have ended up if you had taken that other road. did you know that fred rogers and maurice sendak both ended up where they did because they had been sick as children?
but really, above all, i can say, IT SUCKS TO BE SICK!!!! it is a half life sometimes. folks who have always been healthy have no idea.