Ugh, ugh ugh. My "anything-to-do-with-throwing-up anxiety", that is. There are *way* too many stomach bugs going around this year, holy crap. And every time I hear or read or work with someone who's got one, it gets my anxiety (and hence my own stomach upset) all going. Which then, of course, not only affects managing my diabetes, but also makes me wonder if I'm getting it, and then it feeds the anxiety some more. What a lovely little cycle. I'm so sick of it!! I know that logically, worrying about getting it won't do anything to prevent getting it! I know that it's not gonna kill me to live through another stomach flu. Done it before, can do it again, and hate it. Why the heck can't my whole brain, especially my adrenal gland, understand this?! I'm sick of the roller coaster of anxiety meds, too... take one, feel better, come down off of it, feel worse, level out, lather, rinse, repeat.
Can I get some hugs? There's really nothing anyone can do, I just needed to type that all out... File also under the "invisible illness" category, and alongside those where people say "well, worrying doesn't do anything, so why don't you stop worrying about it, and just deal?" You think I wouldn't do that, if it were that easy!?!
End rant. Thanks for listening.