*A little background* My 57 year old cousin had a pancreas transplant about 7 years ago and of course is on LOTS of meds. He & his wife were paying for health insurance, but the premiums continued to rise significantly each year. He also contracted throat cancer about 2 years ago, which was determined to have come from some cells in the transplanted pancreas. The cancer is is remission now, but of course he has to take meds to prevent it from coming back. They sold their small condo several years ago, used ALL the retirement money they had saved, sold some collections they had accumulated over the years, and NOW they live in Section 8 housing, and live on disability and a bit of money he makes for working 3 days a week, which is as much as he can pysically do now. About 6 weeks ago, the social workers finally convinced him to go on Medicare because he just couldn't pay the HIGH insurance premiums anymore. ($1,600 per month.)
He's been told that 2 of his medications are NOT on the Medicare formulary so he has to pay for them out of his own pocket. ONE of them is $500/mo. and the transplant Drs' told him he CANNOT take the generic formula. There simply is NO MONEY to pay for them, and without that medicatiion, he will die. They've called their Pa. gov't Rep & Senator, the social workers, the transplant consultant, and every other contact they could think of, but noone has aany answers. The people on DU have always been a BIG help to me no matter what problems I had, so I'm asking you, do YOU have any suggestions on where he can get any help?